FAQ for Osstell SmartPeg

The SmartPeg is the integral part of the Osstell system to measure implant stability. The SmartPeg is attached to the implant or abutment when an ISQ measurement is made. If you have any questions about the SmartPeg, please review our FAQ below.

Can I re-use the SmartPegs? No. The SmartPegs are single use items. To avoid damage to the implant, the SmartPeg material is made from aluminum which is softer than titanium, the material most implants are made from. This ensures that the SmartPeg will not damage the implant threads, but at the same time it limits the lifetime of the threads. So the SmartPeg cannot be reused for two reasons: First, the magnet cannot stand the heat of an autoclave, it will be affected and discolored. Second, the threads are made weak not to jeopardize the inner threads in the implant. Reusing the SmartPeg might wear out the threads and give misleading ISQ values.
Is the ISQ-value sensitive to how hard the SmartPeg is tightened? The SmartPeg should be tightened with 4-5 Ncm, which means “finger tight”, using the SmartPeg Mount. It is enough with firm contact between the SmartPeg and the implant. The difference in ISQ value will then stay within 2 ISQ units. (If the SmartPeg is tightened too loosely, the ISQ-value will be lower.) If the SmartPeg is over-tightened, there is a risk that the SmartPeg threads will be damaged.
Do you affect the implant by using the Osstell Smartpegs? Since we are only vibrating the SmartPeg we are basically not affecting the implant itself. The SmartPegs’ magnet is emitted by magnetic pulses with very low energy generated through the probe. This way the technique is totally objective, repeatable and non-invasive.
Do I need a torque device to tighten the SmartPeg correctly? No, it is enough with finger tightening and a firm contact between the components. The result is very repeatable even between different users for the same implant.
Can I use disposable Osstell SmartPegs with a Penguin RFA? Yes, you can use the SmartPegs with your Penguin. However, because the SmartPegs are made with aluminum, if the PenguinRFA is used with Osstell Smartpegs, the measurements need to be adjusted. Th measurements need to be adjusted according to this table.